32 Nourishing, Delicious, Plant-Based Thanksgiving Recipes

With Thanksgiving just a few weeks away, I wanted to share a roundup of favorite nourishing, delicious, and relatively simple to make plant-based Thanksgiving recipes. Whether you’re having a full-on plant-based feast, in need of a veggie-friendly dish for a Friendsgiving potluck, making sure your dietary needs are met (and taste buds satisfied) at a more traditional celebration, or wanting to surprise and delight your friends and family with just how delicious plant-based food can be – this list has something for everyone. 

Enjoy making and sharing these wonderful recipes, in good health and in good company! 


Hearty Sides:



To Drink:

For tips on creating healthy, plant-based holiday meals, or for navigating unique dietary preferences at holiday gatherings, email healthcoach@ellwoodthompsons.com to schedule your free 30-minute nutrition counseling session.

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The Stress-Immune Connection + 3 Supportive Herbal Allies


Smoked Mozzarella & Andouille Pizza