Raw Foods 101

The raw food movement has seen many ebbs and flows over the years, with origins dating back to the 1800s. With the weather warming and the growing season beginning to really take off, our bodies may be craving lighter, brighter, more colorful foods that fall into the raw food category. Let’s take a closer look at what the raw food diet actually entails, as well as its benefits.

What is raw food and why is it good for me?

Raw foods are arguably the most healing foods on the planet as they are nutrient powerhouses. Because these foods aren’t heated over 115°F, all of the micronutrients, phytonutrients, and live enzymes found in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains remain intact. If one is consuming a raw food diet, they are focusing on organic, whole, unprocessed plant foods and thus excluding the refined, processed and artificial foods that contribute to and exacerbate chronic diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative disorders, digestive disorders, etc.). Thus, anyone struggling with chronic diseases of the modern, Western world could benefit from a raw food diet. Additionally, anyone with a solid nutritional foundation looking to take their health to the next level and maintain energy and vibrancy could explore a raw food diet.

What are the benefits of a raw food diet?

The raw food diet increases energy, productivity, mental clarity, and focus while providing a general feeling of being more alive. Due to the exceptionally high nutrient content of these plant foods, a raw food diet promotes an alkaline state in which disease (which tends to develop in an acidic state) cannot thrive. A raw food diet slows the aging process on a cellular level due to the preservation of key antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and enzymes – promoting a youthful radiant outward glow and guarding cells against disease. Because raw foods are not cooked or highly processed, the nutrients are more bioavailable and easier to absorb, optimizing healthy digestion and elimination. Raw foods epitomize eating the clean rainbow and are antioxidant powerhouses. This translates to lower systemic inflammation in the body (e.g., CRP levels), reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease (e.g., lower LDL and triglyceride levels), and helps the body to heal and protect against chronic disease and aging.

I’m curious about raw foods. Where do I start?

While raw desserts are the most delicious gateway into raw foods (think cheesecakes, bliss balls, brownies, ice cream, mousse, etc.), letting fresh fruits and vegetables lead the way will help you to reap deeper benefits. You can start with simple substitutes in your daily rotation, such as chia pudding for breakfast, a big salad for lunch, or a delicious smoothie for a snack. You can also begin experimenting with raw food essential skills like making your own nut milk and sprouting your nuts, seeds, and legumes.


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